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Configuring Workflow Status Update Notifications

To specify the workflow statuses that will trigger SMS or email notifications when they are changed, you can define the trigger_statuses attribute in the AppointmentView class. This list will determine the relevant statuses for which notifications should be sent to recipients via SMS or email.

class AppointmentView(AppointmentBaseView):
trigger_statuses = ["cancelled", "scheduled", "updated"]


  • The trigger_statuses attribute contains a list of workflow statuses (such as "cancelled," "scheduled," "updated") that will trigger SMS or email notifications when appointments transition to these statuses.
  • By listing these specific statuses, notifications will be automatically sent to recipients via SMS or email channels when appointment status changes occur, keeping them informed of the updates.
  • Customize the list of trigger statuses based on the workflow status changes that necessitate notifying recipients via SMS or email for effective communication during the appointment management process.