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Configuring Email Template for Notification Layout

To define the HTML template file responsible for the layout and design of email notifications without specifying content, set the trigger_email_template attribute in the AppointmentView class. This template file will govern the visual structure and styling of the email notifications sent to recipients for appointment-related information.

class AppointmentView(AppointmentBaseView):
trigger_email_template = "generic_email_template.html"


  • The trigger_email_template attribute specifies the HTML template file used solely for shaping the layout and design of the email notifications.
  • By setting it to "generic_email_template.html", the template will determine the visual presentation, styling elements, and overall structure of the appointment notification emails.
  • This configuration separates the content management from the layout design, ensuring that the emails maintain a consistent look and feel dictated by the specified HTML template file, while the dynamic content can be injected separately.