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Configuring Participants for Appointments

To define the list of model classes that can become participants for appointments, the participants configuration can be set within the AppointmentView class. This configuration determines the types of participants allowed for appointments.

class AppointmentView(AppointmentBaseView):
participants = [PatientModel, DoctorModel]

In the above configuration:

  • PatientModel: Represents the model class for patients who can participate in appointments.
  • DoctorModel: Represents the model class for doctors who can participate in appointments.

By specifying these model classes in the participants configuration, the appointment system can effectively manage and interact with participants from the PatientModel and DoctorModel classes during the appointment workflow.

Configuring Single Participant for Appointments

By setting the participant_single_select configuration to True within the AppointmentView class, you can enforce the rule that only a single participant can be mapped to an appointment. This configuration restricts appointments to have only one participant associated with them.

class AppointmentView(AppointmentBaseView):
participant_single_select = True


  • When participant_single_select is set to True, it enforces the constraint that each appointment can have only a single participant.
  • This configuration ensures that appointments are associated with a single participant at a time, maintaining consistency and simplifying appointment management with one primary participant.

Overriding get_participants Function to Filter Participants

In the AppointmentView class, the get_participants function can be overridden to customize the way participants are retrieved based on the configured participant models. This function fetches participants from the specified model classes and filters them as needed.

class AppointmentView(AppointmentBaseView):
participants = [PatientModel, DoctorModel]

def get_participants(self):
This method contains logic for getting participants based on the variable participants.
In case some changes are required, this method can be overridden.
participant_values = []

for model in self.participants:
objects = model.objects.all()
object_values = [(str(obj.object_uuid), obj.__str__()) for obj in objects]
participant_values += object_values

return participant_values

In the get_participants function:

  • The method iterates over the specified participant model classes.
  • It fetches all objects from each participant model class.
  • It extracts relevant information (like object UUID and display name) from each object and aggregates them into participant_values.
  • Finally, it returns the list of participant values, allowing for customization and filtering based on the specified model classes.