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Customizing Phone Numbers for Audio Call Appointments

To fetch and populate phone numbers for audio call appointments based on the participant model, you can override the get_phone_numbers function within the AppointmentView class. This function retrieves the phone numbers associated with the participant model and returns them as a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the phone number in both display and raw formats.

class AppointmentView(AppointmentBaseView):
# Other configurations and methods...

def get_phone_numbers(self):
If the appointment type is a phone call, override this method to populate a list of mobile numbers.
This method should return a list of tuples, each containing the phone number in both display and raw formats.
For example: [('+91XXXXXXXXXX', "+91XXXXXXXXXX")]
# Custom logic to fetch phone numbers from the participant model
# Replace the example phone number with actual data retrieval
return [('+917021640519', '+917021640519')]


  • Override the get_phone_numbers function in the AppointmentView class to fetch phone numbers for audio call appointments from the participant model.
  • Customize the logic within this method to retrieve the phone numbers associated with the participants as needed.
  • Return a list of tuples where each tuple contains the phone number in both display and raw formats. Update the example phone number with the actual data retrieved from the participant model.
  • By modifying this function, you can ensure that the phone numbers for audio call appointments are accurately populated based on the participant's data stored in the application.