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Configuring Appointment Channels

To define the appointment channels or mediums through which appointments can occur, the APPOINTMENT_TYPES configuration needs to be specified in the AppointmentModel class. You can customize this tuple of tuples to include only the necessary channels for appointment scheduling.

class AppointmentModel(AbstractAppointmentModel):
F2F = 'f2f'
VIDEO = 'video'
AUDIO = 'audio'

# Define the required appointment channels
(F2F, 'Face to Face'),
(VIDEO, 'Video Call'),
(AUDIO, 'Audio Call'),


  • In the AppointmentModel class, the APPOINTMENT_TYPES tuple contains key-value pairs representing different appointment channels or mediums.
  • Customize this tuple by including only the required appointment channel options, such as face-to-face, video call, and audio call.
  • By focusing on the necessary appointment channels, you can streamline the selection process for users when scheduling appointments through the application.