📄️ Participants
To define the list of model classes that can become participants for appointments, the participants configuration can be set within the AppointmentView class. This configuration determines the types of participants allowed for appointments.
📄️ Hosts
To specify the list of model classes that can act as hosts for appointments, the hosts configuration can be defined within the AppointmentView class. This configuration determines the types of hosts allowed for appointments.
📄️ Channels
To define the appointment channels or mediums through which appointments can occur, the APPOINTMENT_TYPES configuration needs to be specified in the AppointmentModel class. You can customize this tuple of tuples to include only the necessary channels for appointment scheduling.
📄️ Custom Workflow
To implement a custom appointment workflow tailored to the specific requirements of your application, you can define a custom workflow class and associate it with the AppointmentView class. This custom workflow class can encapsulate unique statuses and transitions that align with your appointment management processes.
📄️ Notes
To enable the attachment of a questionnaire to each appointment in the application, you can specify the questionnaire key and associate it with the AppointmentView class. This key links the appointment notes to a specific questionnaire defined in the Q&A package.
📄️ CRUD Configs
Inherited from the CRUD package, the Appointments package includes CRUD-level configurations that can be customized to control the appearance and behavior of the appointment management interface. Here are the configurations and a sample method for displaying the add button:
📄️ Communication Configs
The communication configs specify the default service providers to use for different communication channels within the appointment management system. The default providers are set to "default" for SMS, email, and video call channels. These settings can be modified based on the communication service providers configured in the application through the communication package.
📄️ Phone Numbers for Audio Calls
To fetch and populate phone numbers for audio call appointments based on the participant model, you can override the getphonenumbers function within the AppointmentView class. This function retrieves the phone numbers associated with the participant model and returns them as a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the phone number in both display and raw formats.
📄️ Address for Face-to-Face
When the appointment type is selected as face-to-face (F2F), different address types can be configured: "lat-long," "open text," and "select." Depending on the chosen address type, the input fields for addresses will vary.
📄️ Reminders
Appointment reminders can be set up to notify recipients about upcoming appointments at specified intervals before the appointment time. You can define multiple reminders by setting the number of hours before the appointment for each reminder in the reminders list.
🗃️ Notifications
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