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Manually triggering Async Tasks

Async tasks in Zango can be manually triggered from any part of your application's codebase. This provides flexibility in managing and executing tasks asynchronously as needed. Below are the steps to manually trigger an async task:

  • Import the Task Executor: Import the zango_task_executor function from the zango.core.tasks module. This function is responsible for executing the async task.

    from zango.core.tasks import zango_task_executor
  • Call the Task Executor Function: Call the zango_task_executor.delay() function and pass the required parameters. This function takes various arguments to specify the task to be executed and its parameters.

    // optional function parameters kwargs
    • The name of the tenant associated with the task.
    • "triggers.tasks.send_communication": The path to the async task function to be executed.

By following these steps and providing the necessary parameters, you can manually trigger async tasks within your Zango application, enabling efficient and asynchronous processing of various operations.