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Creating an Async Task

In Zango, asynchronous tasks are defined as functions within a file located inside any module folder of your application. These tasks leverage the @shared_task function decorator to indicate that they should be executed asynchronously.

Steps to Create an Async Task

  1. Create a File: Within the module folder of your app, create a file named This file will contain the definition of your asynchronous tasks.

  2. Define the Task Function: Inside the file, define your asynchronous task as a regular Python function. Use the @shared_task decorator from Zango to mark the function as an asynchronous task.


from celery import shared_task

def my_async_task():
# Task logic goes here
  1. Implement Task Logic: Within the task function, write the logic that you want to execute asynchronously. This could include database operations, API calls, file processing, or any other computationally intensive or time-consuming tasks.

  2. Repeat as Needed: You can define any number of asynchronous tasks within the file. Each task should be defined as a separate function with the @shared_task decorator.

By following these steps, you can create and define asynchronous tasks in Zango, allowing you to offload time-consuming operations and improve the overall performance and responsiveness of your application.