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Redirecting to Frame View

To redirect users to the Frame view upon login, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Detail View of the Login Package: Navigate to the packages menu in the App Panel and locate the login package. Click on the package to access its detail view.

  2. Navigate to the Edit View of the Login Configs: Within the detail view of the login package, find and click on the "Edit" button or option to access the edit view of the login configurations.

  3. Scroll to the Routing Section: In the edit view of the login configs, scroll down or navigate to the section related to routing settings.

  4. Update Routing URL: Find the routing configuration for the required user role, and change the routing URL from its previous value to "/frame/router".

  5. Save the Updated Config Settings: Once you have made the necessary changes to the routing configuration, save the updated config settings.

By following these steps, users belonging to the specified user role will now be redirected to the Frame view with the configured menu items upon logging in.