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Receiving Email

To ensure uninterrupted reception of emails relies on activating a recurring task through the Zango app panel, specifically designed for synchronizing incoming emails. To initiate this periodic task seamlessly, adhere to the following steps within the Zango app panel:

1. Set Up IMAP Settings:

Configure the IMAP settings within the app panel to establish a connection with your email server. This step ensures smooth communication between your email account and the Zango app, enabling the seamless synchronization of incoming emails.

2. Enable Task in App Panel:

Activate the designated task within the Zango app panel to kickstart the synchronization process. By enabling this task, you authorize the app to periodically retrieve and synchronize all incoming emails, ensuring they are readily accessible and up-to-date.

For detailed guidelines on configuring IMAP settings and enabling the task in the app panel, refer to the respective sections outlined in detail in the subsequent section below.