API Reference
Can be defined for the fields which are part of model
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description/Purpose |
display_as | string | No | Fieldname in model | Column Title |
searchable | boolean | No | True | Column is searchable or not |
sortable | boolean | No | True | Column is sortable or not |
user_roles | List of strings | No | [] | Column should be visible to certain user roles. Ex:, user_roles = [“PAP Executive”, “PAP Manager”]. If user_roles is not passed then by default column will be visible to all the user roles |
Custom column for the non-model fields, where you can define the column value via custom display methods
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description/Purpose |
searchable | boolean | No | True | Column is searchable or not |
sortable | boolean | No | True | Column is sortable or not |
user_roles | List of strings | No | [] | Column should be visible to certain user roles.Ex: user_roles = ["PAP Executive", "PAP Manager"] . If user_roles is not passed, then by default, the column will be visible to all user roles. |