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API Reference


labelstringNoThe field name defined in modelField Label
placeholderstringNoEmptyField Placeholder
requiredbooleanNoAs per modelField is Required or not. It will take the value from the field definition in the model
required_msgstringNo<field_name> is mandatory.Required validation Error message
patternstringNoEmptyRegex validation
pattern_msgstringNoInvalid Pattern (To check once)Error message if pattern validation fails
readonlybooleanNoFalseMake field readonly
hiddenbooleanNoFalseMake field hidden
initialvalue/functionNoNoneInitial value for the field. It can be the field value or a function call
extra_schemadictNo{}Represents JSON Schema of the field Refer. This will be updated on top of existing JSON schema of the field.
extra_ui_schemadictNo{}Represents UI Schema of the field Refer. This will be updated on top of existing UI schema of the field.