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Signup and Authentication Configurations

When setting up the Advanced Authentication Package within your Zango application, configuring the signup and authentication settings is crucial. This includes defining how users can use their username, selecting authentication methods, and managing consent during the signup process. Below is a detailed guide on how to configure these settings via JSON input in the App Panel UI.

1. Overview of Configuration Parameters

In the JSON configuration for the Signup and Auth settings, you can specify the following parameters:

  • Username Fields: Define the allowed fields that can be used as usernames (e.g., phone number or email).
  • Authentication Methods: Specify the methods by which users can authenticate (e.g., one-time password or traditional password).
  • Password Reset and Expiry Options: Configure the ability to force users to reset their passwords and set expiry duration for the passwords.
  • Consent during Signup: Enable and configure consent requirements during the signup process, including custom text.

2. Sample JSON Configuration

"steps": {
"auth": {
"username": [
"methods": [
"reset_password": {
"enabled": true,
"expiry_days": 90
"consent": {
"on_username_page": true,
"consent_text": "Your consent text here",
"enabled": true

3. Configuring Authentication Settings

Username Configuration

  • Field: username
  • Type: Array of strings
  • Description: Specify the fields that users can use to login. Options typically include primary_phone, email, and others depending on system capabilities.

Authentication Methods

  • Field: methods
  • Type: Array of strings
  • Description: Define the methods available for user authentication. Common options include otp for a one-time password or password for a traditional password-based login.

Password Reset and Expiry

  • Field: reset_password
    • Sub-field: enabled
      • Type: Boolean
      • Description: Enable or disable the force password reset feature.
    • Sub-field: expiry_days
      • Type: Integer
      • Description: Set the number of days after which the user will be forced to reset the passord
  • Field: consent
    • Sub-field: on_username_page
      • Type: Boolean
      • Description: Determine whether the consent form should be displayed on the username entry page.
    • Sub-field: consent_text
      • Type: String
      • Description: Specify the text that will be displayed on the consent form during the signup process.
    • Sub-field: enabled
      • Type: Boolean
      • Description: Enable or disable the requirement for consent during signup.

5. Applying Configurations

  • Ensure that your JSON structure adheres to the format specified above.
  • Input the JSON configuration into the designated area in the App Panel UI under the Advanced Authentication Package settings.
  • Verify and save your changes, then test to ensure that the configurations are applied correctly during the user signup and authentication processes.

By following this guide, you can accurately configure the signup and authentication settings within the Advanced Authentication Package, enhancing both security and user experience in your application.