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Platform Architecture

Zango is a multi-tenant Django Framework enabling fast development and secure and cost effective hosting of business apps.

Platform Architecture

Here's an overview of the key capabilities:

  1. Foundational Capabilities:The underlying architecture is engineered to provide a robust and scalable foundation for application development and management. The platform offers essential, reusable elements for any business application, including App Lifecycle Management, User Management, Role-Based Access Controls, and a Detailed Policy Framework, available off-the-shelf for immediate use. Furthermore, rich industry focussed package ecosystem allows rapid development of bespoke apps.
  2. Unlimited Customizability: The platform allows for unlimited customization, allowing for the creation of applications tailored to the specific needs of the healthcare industry. The customization layer is well orchestrated within the platform and managed by common compliance and policy framework, thereby ensuring that compliance of the app remains intact even with customization.
  3. Data Isolation and Privacy:Emphasizing data security and privacy, the platform incorporates advanced data isolation techniques. This allows for multiple tenants to operate independently within the same environment, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.
  4. Advanced Access Control:Access control is paramount, especially in sensitive sectors like healthcare. Our architecture includes an advanced policy and permission framework that meticulously governs access, ensuring compliance with stringent security standards.
  5. Dynamic Application Management:The platform offers dynamic application management capabilities, allowing for real-time updates and modifications without impacting the overall system. This feature ensures continuous operations, adapting quickly to changing requirements.
  6. Rapid Development Toolkit/ Packages Ecosystem:To accelerate development cycles, the platform integrates a suite of reusable components and packages. These tools enable rapid deployment of common functionalities, reducing the time-to-market for new features.
  7. Enhanced Security and Compliance:The architecture includes a dedicated layer for security and compliance, ensuring that all operations adhere to the highest standards required in healthcare. This layer safeguards sensitive patient data and aligns with regulatory requirements.
  8. Designed for Interoperability: Designed to interact effortlessly with external systems and APIs, the platform facilitates integrations with a range of healthcare systems and third-party services, enhancing its utility and reach.